Dad in New Scientist
David G. Hartwell winning Best Editor, Long Form, Hugo Award

The Blair Witch Panel: Cultural Memory, Societal Resilience and Change

Anticipation (the Montreal Worldcon)

5-075 Mon/Lun 12:30 1hr30min
P21BF Human Culture
Cultural Memory, Societal Resilience and Change
Blind Lemming Chiffon, David Anthony Durham, Geoff Ryman, Patrick Nielsen Hayden

panel just about to start

Panel just about to start.


Blind Lemming Chiffon speaks for a while; Patrick Nielsen Hayden appeals to a high power for salvation.


David Durnham & Geoff Rymam begin to appear concerned.


Patrick looks at Blind Lemming wondering if this guy is for real.


Geoff Ryman touches his forehead just before putting his head down on the table.


Despair sets in. The panelist begin to look helpless and trapped. Patrick flees in terror along with a portion of the audience as Blind Lemming invites a filker up to sing a song that will clarify his argument which has thus far eluded the other panelists. 


Someone in the audence asks, "Is this some kind of tradition?" Someone else says, "No, this is not a tradition. It is surreal."

The footage cuts off with the end of the song when more of the audience flees. Footsteps are heard in the halls.
