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Cory Doctorow makes the New York Times Bestseller List

51dp3kqlrcl_sl500_aa240__2 I'm told that our friend Cory Doctorow's book Little Brother debuts at #9 on the New York Times Children's Bestseller list for 5/25/08.

Congratulations, Cory! And congratulations to his editor, Patrick Nielsen Hayden.

I am especially pleased at the book's success because not only is it a terrific book that I read from cover to cover in essentially one sitting, but it is a book that the world really needs.

Cory has set up a system whereby people can donate copies to teachers and librarians who request them. After you've bought a copy for yourself, why not buy one for a teacher or librarian who needs one?

(Republished from May14th; I took the post down after a few minutes since I wasn't sure if this information was embargoed. See also BoingBoing from yesterday.)
