Jasmina Tesanovic, Belgrade: New Normality: when law and justice find their ways through the fearful leaks of those who are selling history in bits and pieces.
Saturday, April 15, 2006
On Boing Boing, Jasmina Tesanovic continues her series on the Belgrade Scorpions Trial: Belgrade: New Normality
Today from Hague tribunal, on video link, a protected witness is speaking at the Scorpions Trial. . . .
He is so far and yet so near: he is the guy who owned the video cassette with the execution of the six Muslim civilians. After repeated death threats he leaked it to the Hague tribunal judges though Natasa Kandic, our heroine on this grim war stage.
This small woman is fearless today in the court as well as in 2004 when she first got the video. We heard that the cassette existed, and was distributed among video clubs in the region. And today's witness confirmed this: we all knew of the crime... I made copies and played them in the soldiers' dorms. This film distributor in the war-criminal economy did many other useful things for the cause: he owned transportation vehicles for fruit, food, whatever... and of course, now it pops out without any doubts, he transported PEOPLE; the Human Packages.
During all these court sessions, it was obvious that Scorpions were not much for soldiers. On lost his leg on the front-line and is the pet of all the others; but since they weren't in fact soldiers, what were they actually doing?
This protected witness with no address, escaped to Hague with his family after he sold the cassette to the Justice. . . .
He said loudly: the Scorpions were transporting the civilians in buses from Srebrenica, close to the border line with Muslims. They executed them there and the bodies were left to the other side be collected and buried. To Fake it: pretend they were killed in a battle.
Links to her previous posts about the Scorpoions trial are in my right sidebar. Do I need to say read the whole thing? You know you should.