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Where Hurricane Victims Can Seek Aid from Various Denominations

I'm not usually a fan of leaving essential services to be provided by "faith-based" organizations, but with FEMA in disarray, a source of national shame, and with many of the obvious organizations overwhelmed with requests for help, churches may be a good place to try. Melanie Miller, Assistant Minister of the local Congregationalist Church here, has compiled links on where Hurricane Victims can seek aid from various denominations. Most of the actual information on these pages is on how you can donate money or goods. For those requiring aid, look for conact information on the sites and email them. Melanie writes:

To find out what relief efforts your denomination is offering click on
the appropriate link below:

United Church of Christ 
United Methodist Church
Evangelican Lutheran Church of America
The Episcopal Church
The American Baptist Church
Roman Catholic Church: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops

To this list, Mark Bernstein adds the American Friends Service Commitee (i. e. the Quakers). I suppose I should say that what promted this post is that I was trying to solve a problem for someone, and it seemed like the church infrastructre was the best tool than came to hand.
