Welcome, Forbes and BBC Readers
New Orleans: Notes from My Parents

Associated Press & Digital Globe Make Zoomable New Orleans Satellite Map Available
Meanwhile, New Orleans Burns

050902_neworleans_blast_hmed_5ah2_1Lis Riba writes in the comments to the previous post:

Just seen over the wires:

The Associated Press is offering Internet access to a satellite image that covers most of New Orleans, detailed enough that viewers can zoom in to check on particular neighborhoods and streets.
The image's resolution is high, at 2.4 meters per pixel. It is posted in a format that allows quick viewing of any area a user zooms in on. Users can quickly see what areas are under water and what structures are still standing.

The initial image was taken Wednesday and supplied by the company DigitalGlobe. AP will offer updated satellite images as as they become available.

The image is available at: http://hosted.ap.org/specials/neworleanssatellite/index.html

I tried it. It works and will simplify for many  the kind of tasks I was up to yesterday. The NOAA images are better. AP could improve upon this by integrating the much more detailed NOAA images into the interface.

MEANWHILE, New Orleans burns.

For those needing the information, vua Matthew Harris, here are links to scanner feeds with live audio. I have not listened to them myself.

http://nola-intel.org:8001/scan (1000 user max) Orig Feed, LAPD/NG *BW Provided by 15minuteservers.com/nac.net NJ
http://nola-intel.org:8003/fema (1000 user max) Fema/etc Feed *BW Provided by 15minuteservers.com/nac.net NJ
http://nola-intel.org:8003/astro (http://nola-intel.org:8005/astro) (1000 user max) Astrodome Huston PD Feed *BW Provided by 15minuteservers.com/nac.net NJ
http://stfunoob.com/nola/scanner.pls - All 3 scanner streams (Both NOLA+Astrodome), 4000 slots combined. Astrodome scanner mirror
http://nola-intel.org:8005/astro Astrodome mirror2 (1000 listeners max) (1000 listeners max)
http://tinyurl.com/dc4tx (200 Slot)
http://stream.etherkiller.de:8000/no.mp3 (1000 Slot) (located in Europe)
http://us3.comclub.org:8000/no_scanner.m3u (1000 user max aggregate with below) (located in Texas, USA)
http://us3.comclub.org:8000/fema_scanner (1000 user max aggregate with above) (located in Taxas, USA)
http://radio2.wrpn.net:5000/nola_scanner.m3u (32 clients max, located in Columbus, OH, USA)
http://radio.artplz.com:8000/NewOrleans.mp3.m3u (600 max clients) (located in Dallas, Texas, USA)


UPDATE: Matt Harris writes in with more feed options: http://nola-intel.org:8001/scan (1000 user max) Orig Feed, LAPD/NG *BW Provided by 15minuteservers.com/nac.net NJ http://nola-intel.org:8003/fema (1000 user max) Fema/etc Feed *BW Provided by 15minuteservers.com/nac.net NJ http://nola-intel.org:8003/astro (http://nola-intel.org:8005/astro) (1000 user max) Astrodome Huston PD Feed *BW Provided by 15minuteservers.com/nac.net NJ http://stfunoob.com/nola/scanner.pls - All 3 scanner streams (Both NOLA+Astrodome), 4000 slots combined. Astrodome scanner mirror http://nola-intel.org:8005/astro Astrodome mirror2 (1000 listeners max) (1000 listeners max) http://tinyurl.com/dc4tx (200 Slot) http://stream.etherkiller.de:8000/no.mp3 (1000 Slot) (located in Europe) http://us3.comclub.org:8000/no_scanner.m3u (1000 user max aggregate with below) (located in Texas, USA) http://us3.comclub.org:8000/fema_scanner (1000 user max aggregate with above) (located in Taxas, USA) http://radio2.wrpn.net:5000/nola_scanner.m3u (32 clients max, located in Columbus, OH, USA) http://radio.artplz.com:8000/NewOrleans.mp3.m3u (600 max clients) (located in Dallas, Texas, USA)

Navigation aids

For those new to blogs, here are shortcuts to information about our collaborative maps project:

First of all, my Katrina archive contains all blog posts related to Katrina. The archive page is updated each time I make a new Katrina post, so it would be the best place to bookmark.  On the other hand, it contains many images, so on a dial-up connection it would be slow to load. Also, separately, I have an online album of Katrina map images, Katrina Floods New Orleans, 2005.

As of now, my individual Katrina posts related to maps are:

  1. New Orleans Levee Break(s) Before and After
  2. not too far from filling in the bowl
  3. NASA's First Katrina Before and After Comparison
  4. Google Earth Helps Place the Flow from a New Orleans Neighborhood into the Canal in Context
  5. DigitalGlobe's New Orleans Before and After Images Are Up
  6. How to Find Out if Your New Orleans House Is Under Water
  7. How to Find Out if Your New Orleans House Is Under Water, Part 2: We Really Need to Integrate Topo Maps and Known Water Depths into the System
  8. Escape Routes for Hurricane Victims
  9. Welcome, Forbes and BBC Readers
  10. Associated Press & Digital Globe Make Zoomable New Orleans Satellite Map Available
    Meanwhile, New Orleans Burns
  11. New Orleans: Notes from My Parents
  12. Welcome, New York Times Readers

Also, my sister, Karen Cramer Shea, has been guest-blogging for me while I was away over the weekend. Her posts are:

  1. Lost in Katrina
  2. Rebuilding New Orleans
