Don't Think of Pink Elephants
Elizabeth Gets Organized

The Locus Awards

I see that Mark Kelly hasn't posted the Locus Awards yet, so I'll beat him to it:

Best Novel (and perhaps longest title, novel category): The Baroque Cycle: The Confusion: The System of the World by Neal Stephenson
Best Fantasy Novel: The Iron Council by China Miéville
Best First Novel: Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke
Best Young Adult Novel: A Hat Full of Sky by Terry Prachett
Best Magazine: F&SF
Best Novella: "Golden Cities far" by Gene Wolfe
Best Novelette: "Reports of Certain Events in London" by China Miéville
Best Short Story (and longest title; I'm sure there exist stories shorter): "Forbidden Brides of the Faceless Slaves in the Nameless House of the Night of Dread Desire" by Neil Gaiman
Best Anthology: The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-First Annual Collection by Gardner Dozois
Best Editor: Ellen Datlow
Best Artist: Michael Whelan
Best Collection: The John Varley Reader by John Varley
Best Non-Fiction: The Wave in the Mind by Ursula K. Le Guin
Best Art Book: Spectrum 11: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art by Cathy  & Arnie Fenner
Best Publisher: Tor Books

This was an event of deep seriousness. Note, for example, the formality of Charles N. Brown's toe ring, worn at the podium.


And just how did Connie Willis get all these guys to dance the hula? You'll have to wait for the full official LOCUS report to find out!


(Yes, that's Tom Doherty on the left, David Hartwell in the hat, and John Varley, second from the right.)

Connie Willis

Charles N. Brown & Rob Sawyer

Big Finale of Awards Acceptors: S.M. Stirling; Derryl Murphy; Charles N. Brown; Robert J. Sawyer; Liza Trombi; Marina Finch; David G. Hartwell; Connie Willis; John Varley (who actually won one). Tom Doherty, who also won for the 147th consecutive year for best publisher, arrived late for the picture and will appear in the serious, sober Locus coverage.

UPDATE: For some much more dignified photos of the occasion, see Edward Willett's blog. He's been blogging Westercon in Calgary much more diligently than I have. See also his Thursday night posts, parts 1 and 2, his Aurora Award ceremony coverage, his post about Friday (which includes a nice picture of David and me), and his coverage of Saturday. (I feel tired just linking to all this!)

There are more pictures plus a con report in French at Fractale framboise.
