. . . no price too high . . .
Friday, January 14, 2005
Now here's an interesting paragraph from the Scotsman by Fred Bridgland in Johannesburg:
SPECULATION mounted yesterday over who Sir Mark Thatcher was set to sell down the river after striking a plea bargain and walking to freedom from a South African court.
The article goes on:
But his release, after nearly six months of virtual house arrest, will send chills through the veins of several prominent men who have been named as backers of the plan to topple President Obiang in court documents lodged in London by lawyers for the Equatorial Guinean leader.
Many will fear he has agreed to expose them and will have taken no comfort from his short statement on the steps of the Cape High Court after yesterdays hearing.
"There is no price too high for me to pay to be reunited with my family, and I am sure all of you who are husbands and fathers would agree with that," he said.
On the other hand, it could be that he agreed to nothing of the kind and that the cork is being put firmly in the bottle and this is the end of it unless the slackers in the US press follow Thatcher's new life in Dallas.
(Note to the US press: You should have been crawling all over Dallas in March and April hunting for the US origins of this attempt at privatizing regime change. This is your second chance. Don't blow it.)
PS: Further to the state of the US news media, don't miss Frank Rich's All the President's Newsmen.
UPDATE: Maybe things are looking up for further revelations: From Johannesburg's Business Day:
Thatcher to Help SA Nail Coup Mates
The Scorpions said the plea bargain was entered into "in order to make use of Thatcher's help in the investigation".
(The Scorpions the South African equivalent of the FBI.)
I occasionally get letters from friends or acquaiatances of those in jail for the coup plot. At this juncture I do want to say that there is a lot more reason for those whom Thatcher might implicate to be in rotten third-word jails than for the hired help to be there. Unfortunately, I expect that even if implicated, they will get off with sentences at least as light as Thatcher's. It is good to be King.