Wednesday, November 26, 2003
Here are some Google searches that led people to my weblog. In some, you can tell what problem the searcher seeks to solve. Some show what people out there are thinking about. Others are just downright strange:
- tinfoil+hat
- aspergers+and+einstein
- invented+sidewalks
- Limits+of+Naturalist+Intelligence
- octopus+dumbo
- male+lactation
- how+to+fix+a+tv
- Miss+America+Sash
- the+mad+hatter+tea-party(literary)
- fireplace+insert+review
- what+are+some+Family+values
- burke+museum+totem
- allergies+and+chilcare+jobs
- a+c+radebaugh
- standardized+test+for+graduation
- take+only+pictures+leave+only+footprints
- eyed+click+beetle
- crazy+ideas
- nursing+biting+draw+blood
- picture+of+human+prolapsed+rectum
- does+a+decapitated+head+know+that+it+has+been+decapitated
- garondah
- and my favorite, turtle+pee