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Vote in the Hugos

Hugo Award voting closes at midnight Pacific Time on Thursday, July 31st. Be sure to cast your vote. The New York Review of Science Fiction, ed. Kathryn Cramer, David G. Hartwell, & Kevin Maroney, (Semiprozine) and David G. Hartwell (Best Editor) are among the nominees.

The voting deadline for the 2003 Hugo Awards is midnight Pacific Time on Thursday, July 31st. However, our membership team is not able to instantly process memberships and send back membership numbers and the mandatory voting PIN numbers. Therefore, if you wish to use the on-line web ballot to vote, please register on-line for your membership by midnight Tuesday, July 29th.

A personal identification number (PIN) is required to use the web-based on-line Hugo ballot. So far, nine electronic ballots have been rejected for incorrect PINs. You may not substitute a membership number for your PIN. Personal identification numbers were sent to all member households in a letter with the last progress report. If you cannot find this letter, please send a PIN request to [email protected]. Include your name, postal address, and membership number.
