1968: They were having sexual adventures in roughly the same quarter of the forest, with the exception that Clinton was only sleeping with women
Whatever's Happened to Baby Jane?

Loose Ends

I had hoped to blog a bit more about yesterday's panel ("Does Your Baby Make You Smarter?"), but the day's shedule looks like it won't permit. I'm going to try to get a tape from the convention so I can discuss it later. I will be offline for a few days, so this may be my last post until then.

Chip Delany's best line (or at least the best one I wrote down) was:

Living with a child is like living with someone totally insane whom you are tring to bring into sanity.

Elizabeth is getting her top two front teeth and so has been a bit fussy. And she's learned how to fish in the toilet, so we're having to keep the hotel bathroom door closed. Peter's been running wth the Readerkids pack and found frogs, tadpoles, and a snapping turtle in a pond outside the Hartwell House, the restaurant where we had dinner.
