Good News on Book Distribution
Too Much Fun

Sunny Friday Morning

David's off to the IAFA Board Meeting in Florida. I drove him to White Plains airport this morning. We pass by the IBM Corporate Headquarters.

The entry to IBM doesn't look like much. Just a driveway with a sign in a grassy field. I've never been up the driveway, so I don't know what it looks like just over the rise. Leaving, I continued north past the resovoir where the Town of Kensico used to be, past Peter's elementary school, past Old House Lane where the Clintons live when they're in town, on up 117 through Mt. Kisco and Bedford Hills to Katonah where Peter had an appointment.

Katonah is a nice Victorian town with lots of grand old houses. We went to their Fireman's Parade on Wednesday even though it was raining. Their parade is a good half-hour longer than Pleasantville's, and it seems to have a higher density of marching bands. Also, the parade kicks off a four-day Fireman's Carnival which lasts 'til Saturday. Peter went on rides in the rain. He went on the Dragon Wagon four times. The Dizzy Dragon, his favorite last year which he went on until he turned green, is not in evidnce this year.

This morning, while Peter was occupied, I browsed Katonah's art and craft galleries, of which there are a number.

My favorite for sheer atmosphere is Antipodes, an Australian imports gallery with many fine paintings and crafts beyond my financial reach, but which also has a few shelves of very good books. The proprietor is friendly and charming, and has excellent taste. When I was in there this morning, he recommended Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, a thriller.

Another gallery I visited today, which I don't usually go into, is the Katonah General Store II which currently has several interesting exhibits: Museum Folk Art of the Southwest, an engaing collection of folk art animals that Elizabeth was quite taken with, and a photography exhibit, David Michael Kennedy: A Retrospective, 35 Years of Photography. My favorite thing at KGS II was a folk art armadillo studded with beer-bottle caps.

The weather is wonderful today, but we're supposed to have rain all weekend. This afternoon I will take Elizabeth to the Lapsongs program for pre-walkers at the Chappaqua Library. Peter used to love that. This will be her first time.
