George W. Bush Unplugged
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
I love those moments when media control slips, exposing things as they really are. The NYT recounts one such yesterday: Apparently, Egyptian TV accidentally broadcast Bush talking (unscripted) to Arab leaders:
Anyone who has regularly watched Mr. Bush in speeches and news conferences could tell in an instant that he had no idea that his remarks to five moderate Arab leaders were being broadcast for public consumption. . . . Mr. Bush was also evidently comfortable enough to talk to the Arabs about his own religion. "I believe that, as I told the Crown Prince, the Almighty God has endowed each individual on the face of the earth with -- that expects each person to be treated with dignity," Mr. Bush said in the remarks that he did not know were being broadcast. "This is a universal call. It's the call of all religions, that each person must be free and treated with respect."
The grammar comes as no surprise: it is a family trait. I know why he doesn't generally refer to "Almighty God" when talking ot the American public -- because of the separation of Church and State. What I'm puzzled by is why he might believe that Arab leaders would be more responsive to that mode of discourse. This was, after all, not the Christian Leadership Breakfast.
MEANWHILE, go sign the online petition Reclaim the Public Domain. The late Senator Sonny Bono worked to get us a copyright law that vastly favors Hollywood at the cost of extending copyright long past the time when one can expect creator's widows and orphans can be expected to benefit from income or to administrate estates. Under current law, many works that should pass into the public domain won't for a very long time, whether there's anyone there to administer permissions or not. This petition proposes a change to the law that makes good sense. I recommend that you read it and sign it.
(Via Joi Ito.)
LOCAL NEWS: Just received an automated call that Congresswoman Nita Lowey will be in the Thornwood A&P from 9-10AM on Saturday, June 7th, to meet with constituents. Head on out to the grocery store and tell her what you think!